ChaseData Blog Wins 1st Place in 2019 Customer Contact Central MVP Awards Contact Center as a Service Category

After impressing industry insiders and experts alike, ChaseData Solutions has been awarded the first place prize in an influential competition between top-notch contact center blogs.

After voting from consumers and industry insiders that pushed valuable articles into the spotlight and in front of the eyes of a panel of experts, a piece from ChaseData Solutions has won first place in the 2019 Customer Contact Central MVP Awards Contact Center as a Service category.

Recognition from the Contact Center Community

The Customer Contact Central MVP Awards are given to blog posts that consumers find to be most interesting and useful. These posts are written any time from January through mid-October of the year in which they are awarded. After a group of nominees is gathered, they are presented to a panel of industry leaders who narrow them down into a short list of finalists. This list is then voted on by the same consumers who helped them receive the nomination in the first place, bring the process full-circle and making this a coveted honor that winners are always thrilled to receive.

What Makes a Useful Article?

How did ChaseData end up among the top tier in this competition – and what makes a useful article in the contact center industry? Finalists were expected to present new and interesting material in their posts which readers found beneficial. Topics varied, but all revolved around the world of contact centers and their daily operations.

To stand out in such a packed arena, it is not enough to simply publish informative posts. These posts are also required to display a unique perspective and personality. In doing so, they set themselves and the companies they represent apart from one another and bring big benefits to users from around the world.

ChaseData Solutions is a company that has been leading the way in innovative and intriguing contact center blog material for several years now. The style, tone, and readability of their pieces make them a great addition to any call center professional’s reading list – and an obvious contend for recognition such as the Customer Contact Central MVP Awards.  


About ChaseData:

The Plantation, Fla.-based ChaseData Solutions serves the call center industry at large. The company produces high-quality, easy-to-use software solutions and other technology designed to make daily operations simpler and business better. From call direction and automated dialing to building a better desktop for contact center agents, the solutions offered by ChaseData are created to make every day easier for every member of the contact center team. To read the ChaseData blog, click here. For more information on ChaseData’s software solutions, head over to their website.