Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Proves an Effective Alternative When Willpower Fails, says West Medical

The Southern California healthcare group comments on a recent study that shows an endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG) can help those with significant weight issues shed the pounds more quickly.

A September 30 article on Healio reported on a study which reported improved weight loss results among individuals fighting obesity with the help of an endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG), compared to their peers who relied solely on willpower to stick to a low-calorie diet. Southern California healthcare group West Medical says that ESG patients are able to achieve greater weight loss due to the procedure’s reduction of the stomach’s capacity, which causes individuals to feel fuller faster. The reduction in food intake results in a natural loss of weight, helping ESG patients reach their target weight through a healthy diet and a more active lifestyle, West Medical says.

The clinic says that ESG, also known as an accordion procedure, may be a good fit for those with a body mass index (BMI) over 30 but who may not be good candidates for other weight loss procedures that require surgery because they are not considered severely obese or for any other reason. When patients continually try and fail to lose weight, West Medical says ESG is often may be the best route for many.

ESG may be more appealing for those looking to shed their excess weight without the use of surgery, the medical group explains. Unlike other weight loss procedures, ESG is non-surgical and does not require any incisions. West Medical says that since the process is noninvasive, the chances of complications are reduced in addition to offering a much quicker recovery time.

The healthcare clinic says that the entire ESG procedure takes just a couple of hours from start to finish. The procedure, which is performed while the patient is under sedation, involves inserting a tube into the esophagus in order to sew folds into the stomach so that it resembles an accordion. The result is a stomach with a smaller capacity, allowing individuals to feel fuller with less food and causing them to feel uncomfortable if they consume too much. Thus, losing weight becomes easier and more achievable, West Medical explains.

Readers who would like to learn more about endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty or any other weight loss services with West Medical can call the clinic directly at (855) 690-0565 or visit the healthcare group’s website at http://www.westmedical.com/. The medical group offers not only comprehensive weight loss care but also therapies for dealing with varicose veins and related issues. West Medical’s team works out of locations throughout Greater Los Angeles and Southern California.

The ESG effectively shrinks the stomach to reduce its capacity.

ESG patients are able to achieve greater weight loss due to the procedure’s reduction of the stomach’s capacity, which causes individuals to feel fuller faster.