Dr. Angel Iscovich is publishing a new book titled Routineology that explores his unique view into human behavior.
Dr. Angel Iscovich, (Dr. I to his fans) an experienced CEO with professional experiences in various industries, is publishing a new book titled Routineology scheduled for summer, 2020. It is intended for audiences interested in the daily choices we make. Individuals can reserve their copy on his website: https://www.angeliscovich.com/
Routineology’s book suggests the best way to navigate our noisy new world is through rejecting novelty and instead creating our own “time bubble,” a mental barrier between the person and the world, comprising activities we use to occupy our days.
From his work in the medical and technology sectors, Dr. I developed a keen eye for tapping into the cultural zeitgeist. He’s been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, guested on Dr. Drew’s nationally syndicated radio show and appeared on the Dummies podcast.
His disruptive idea holds that people must carve out mental space to find meaning and purpose. This book will show us humans don’t just require structure but thrive in it.
As Dr. I explains, “The reality is, as biological organisms, our bodies and minds perform well when maintaining an equilibrium. We feel best when our environment is familiar and our lives possess consistency.”
About Dr. I:
Dr. Angel Iscovich was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. As a young immigrant to the US, a world of opportunity led him to explore Philosophy and Medicine. Graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (Summa Cum Laude) from the University of Puget Sound brought him to the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine, and post graduate training in Psychiatry, and his interest in Human Behavior; most notably the focus on Emergency Medicine. He served as a part-time teacher and mentor as Associate Clinical Professor at USC Keck School of Medicine over a period of ten years at Los Angeles County Medical Center. Interest in leadership, organizational development, and strategy was exercised in the corporate health care sector over many years, as well as in philanthropy, serving most recently as the Chair of Direct Relief, the top-rated charity in the United States.
Those interested in receiving a copy of Routineology or wishing to know more about Dr. Angel Iscovich and his teachings, please call 805-698-9030 or email: iscoza@gmail.com.