The Southern California healthcare group comments on a recent article that weight loss surgery can even the odds for people struggling with obesity.
An October 16 article on Prevention told the story of a Kentucky woman who was able to lose 150 pounds after having weight loss surgery. The woman spoke of how she had previously attempted to lose the weight permanently through dieting programs and fitness classes, only to regain it all back – and then some – each time. After considering the health complications her parents were experiencing due to their weight issues, the woman decided to move forward with weight loss surgery in order to get ahead of the close to inevitable health problems she would face in the future due to her very severe obesity. Southern California healthcare group West Medical says that, much like the woman in the article, the majority of individuals struggling with obesity who are able to lose significant amounts of weight have difficulty keeping off the weight they lose on their own, most likely due to the body’s natural response to fighting a sudden drop in weight. The clinic adds that because of this, weight loss surgery can assist in making successful weight loss much easier to achieve.
West Medical says that the body is essentially wired to ensure that it stays healthy and functioning in an environment vastly more challenging than modern-day America. This includes fighting off threats to the system from disease to the once very common-threat of starvation due to a famine. The clinic comments that, when the body detects a dramatic reduction in the number of calories it is normally used to receiving, it releases signals in an effort to encourage the individual to eat as much as possible to build up fat reserves. As a result, West Medical says, the more weight a dieter loses, the more the body encourages them to eat; ironically a feature that was once effective for survival is now a danger to our health when calories are all too cheap and plentiful.
The Southern California clinic says that weight loss procedures offer solutions that make reducing weight and maintaining the results more manageable than with diet and exercise alone by getting at the root of the problem and reducing the appetite. While weight loss surgery may seem like an obvious option for those who are struggling with severe obesity, West Medical says there are alternative procedures available for individuals who are less severely overweight but are still looking for assistance in their weight loss journey.
West Medical says that one option is a new nonsurgical procedure called Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG). In this procedure, accordion-like pleats are sewn into an individual’s stomach so that the stomach’s volume is reduced. In addition to helping individuals eat less, this procedure, sometimes called an accordion procedure, encourages them to stay on course with their weight loss diet, thus increasing the chances of successful long term weight loss.
Readers who would like to learn more about Southern California based healthcare medical group West Medical and their weight loss offerings can call (855) 690-0565 or visit their website at

Cheryl C. lost over 90 pounds with the help of a procedure from West Medical.
Weight loss procedures offer solutions that make reducing weight and maintaining the results more manageable than with diet and exercise alone by getting at the root of the problem and reducing the appetite